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Breast Implant Removal in Phoenix, AZ

Breast implants do not have to be permanent. Sometimes they are removed by choice and other times they are taken out because of necessity, such as due to a rupture. If you live in or around the Greater Phoenix area, such as Ahwatukee, Chandler and Gilbert, have breast implants, and would like your breast implants removed, visit board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Larry C. Leverett for expert care.

Who Is Breast Implant Removal For?

Nearly three million women have undergone breast augmentation surgery in the United States. Although the majority of women are happy with their results, there are a significant number who don’t have the result they wanted or just have a poor outcome. Revisionary surgery of the breast incorporates multiple techniques for fixing poor outcomes associated with the primary breast implant surgery.

As a well-known plastic surgeon, Dr. Leverett has many years of experience performing breast revision surgery and breast implants exchange. Dr. Leverett offers the breast implant exchange procedure for patients who are dissatisfied with their results or who have older breast implants that need to be replaced with a newer or different type of implant. The size of the breast implants can also be changed during the breast implant exchange process.

How Much Does Breast Implant Removal Cost?

Most insurance companies consider breast implant removal to be an elective cosmetic procedure and, therefore, do not generally cover the costs. To help make breast implant removal more affordable and accessible to his patients, Dr. Leverett offers financing through CareCredit® and Prosper Healthcare Lending. Our office also accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, cash and cashier’s checks.

Common Reasons for Revision

Some patients may have noticed that the implants have “dropped” over time, or the shape seems different. Often times we see patients who are in need of a pocket revision. Commonly due to lifting weights, when implants are placed under the pectoral muscle, the continued contracture of the pectoral muscles can displace the implants over time. In certain cases, patients may experience a hardening of one or both breasts. This is commonly known as capsular contracture. If left untreated it can continue to get firmer and eventually cause discomfort.

Reasons for Implant Exchange

The most common reasons why patients exchange their implants are to switch from saline to silicone-cohesive gel to obtain a more natural feel and reduce rippling, or to go larger in size. The breasts can change over time, and several factors can influence the appearance of the breasts. Weight loss, weight gain, breastfeeding, and aging can lead a patient to want secondary breast surgery. For some patients it may be a breast lift, for others an implant exchange to a different size, shape and/or type, and sometimes both. Many patients who just desire a larger size and more natural feel are able to undergo an implant exchange and be back to their daily routine in two to three days. The discomfort level is significantly less than the first breast surgery, as there is no need to create a pocket and raise the muscle with many implant exchange patients.

Preparing For Your Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Prior to surgery, Dr. Leverett will take the time to discuss the breast implant removal process with you, making you completely comfortable with your decision. He will assess your cosmetic goals and give you recommendations and work with you to achieve those goals. Dr. Leverett will ensure that you know what to expect following your breast implant removal surgery. You should make arrangements for someone to help you with everyday activities that may cause strain, including household chores, following your surgery. You will also need to have someone drive you home after your implant removal or replacement.

About Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal is an outpatient procedure that usually involves general anesthesia. Surgery takes between one to two hours to complete. If you elected to have any other procedures done, they would be performed at that time which may extend the length of surgery.

Incisions will be made in the same spot where they were originally made when your implants were put in. This will help minimize scarring. Any scar tissue around the incision will be removed. If you are undergoing removal because your silicone implant ruptured, the surrounding silicone will also be removed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will breast implant removal result in sagging breasts?

Breast implant removal alone can result in some degree of breast sagging, especially if the implants have been in place for a long time or the breast tissue has stretched due to pregnancy or weight fluctuations. The degree of sagging varies among individuals. In cases where significant sagging is expected, a breast lift procedure may be recommended to reshape and lift the breasts, restoring a more youthful appearance. This can be combined with the breast implant removal surgery to have everything done in one procedure.

How long does breast implant removal surgery take?

The duration of breast implant removal surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the procedure, the presence of any complications, and whether additional procedures, such as breast lift or breast implant exchange, are being performed alongside the implant removal. On average, breast implant removal surgery typically takes around 1 to 2 hours. However, this is an estimate and the actual time can be shorter or longer depending on the individual case. More complex cases or combined procedures may take longer, while straightforward removal of intact implants without additional procedures may be completed more quickly.

Can I replace my breast implants with new ones during the removal procedure?

Yes, it is possible to replace breast implants during the removal procedure. This is known as a breast implant exchange. Some individuals may choose to exchange their current implants for new ones to address size, shape, or other aesthetic concerns. This decision can be discussed with Dr. Leverett during your consultation to determine the best course of action based on your specific goals and needs.

Is breast implant removal covered by insurance?

In most cases, breast implant removal for cosmetic reasons is not covered by insurance. However, if there are medical complications related to the implants, such as rupture or capsular contracture, some insurance plans may provide coverage. It is important to consult with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage details and requirements.

Will breast implant removal cause new visible scarring?

Scarring is an inherent part of any surgical procedure. The extent and visibility of the scars will depend on factors such as the incision technique used, the size of the implants, and individual healing factors. At Body by Leverett, our goal is to use the previous incisions for breast implant removal, which would prevent the need for any additional incisions and subsequent scarring. However, this may not be appropriate in all cases. During your consultation, Dr. Leverett will explain the best surgical approach and any scarring you can expect from surgery.

Breast augmentation is a personal decision, as is the removal of a breast implant. Whether you want your implants removed or just replaced, contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Larry C. Leverett at Body By Leverett. He will give you the results you desire. Dr. Leverett serves residents in or around the Greater Phoenix area, such as Ahwatukee, Chandler and Gilbert.