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Kybella available to treat double chin fat

Body By Leverett is excited to offer Kybella treatments for our patients! Kybella is an FDA approved injectable designed to treat submental fat, also known as the dreaded “double chin”. This is a commonly undertreated facial aesthetic condition, despite the fact that many people are just as bothered with under-the-chin fullness as they are with other aesthetic conditions, including lines and wrinkles around their eyes. We are thrilled to add this quick and effective treatment to our office to provide our patients with the best results possible.

What is Kybella? The Kybella injection is made of a synthetic type of deoxycholic acid – which is a naturally occurring molecule in the body which aids in breaking down dietary fat.

Am I a candidate? Submental fullness affects a broad range of the population. A survey conducted by the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery found that 67% of adults, both men and women, were bothered by submental fullness (double chin). Kybella only targets the fat cells, so patients that only have loose skin would be better served with tightening procedures. Call our office to set up your consultation today! 480-706-5830

How long does it take? The Kybella injection appointment itself is very quick. Appointments will be scheduled for one hour to allow for photography, analysis, application of topical numbing cream, and the injection. Common side effects with Kybella injections are minor swelling, bruising, redness and numbness to the treatment area.

How many treatments are required? Your Kybella treatment will be customized based upon your desired chin profile and the amount of submental fat present. Most patients can see visible improvement within 2-4 sessions, although up to 6 treatments may be required. Subsequent injections will be scheduled one month after each Kybella treatment.

How long will it last? Once the aesthetic appearance goal is achieved, re-treatment is not expected as Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells so fat can no longer be stored or accumulated in the treated area. However, the layer of fat cells that remain may change as the patient’s weight changes.

Please join us Thursday, November 12, 2015 for our Education Hour on Kybella. Dr. Larry C. Leverett will give a presentation on Kybella and be available for Q&A and to determine if Kybella is right for you. RSVP to reserve your space today! Introductory pricing for Kybella will be available only to guests of the event!


Learn about Kybella to Get Rid of Double Chin Fat