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Kybella™ in Phoenix, AZ

The aging process or excessive weight gain can lead to a variety of common cosmetic complaints. Problems such as sagging skin and the appearance of fatty deposits under the chin can make us look older than our actual age. Fortunately, a cosmetic treatment is now available to treat the condition known as “double chin”. Kybella™ is a safe, effective, and minimally-invasive treatment that requires little to no downtime. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Larry C. Leverett offers Kybella™ treatments to patients in Phoenix, Ahwatukee, Chandler, Gilbert and the surrounding communities of Arizona.

What is Kybella™?

Kybella™ is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that helps minimize the appearance of a double chin.

There are two main reasons that double chins occur:

  1. Excessive fat deposits form below the chin.
  2. Aging. The skin around the chin can start to sag as we age and create the appearance of two chins.

Kybella™ is formulated to eliminate the appearance of fat under the chin. It helps enhance the look of the chin and jawline, leading to a healthier and more youthful appearance.

How does Kybella™ work?

The active ingredient in Kybella™ is known as deoxycholic acid, a substance that occurs naturally in the body and helps absorb fat. It’s a serum that is injected under the chin and contains both organic ingredients and certain acids.

Kybella™ works by eliminating fat cells. The treatment is often preferred as an alternative to liposuction. Instead of removing the fat in an invasive manner, the fat is destroyed internally and safely removed from the patient’s own body naturally.

Kybella™ is considered to be a highly effective method for the improvement of the chin’s aesthetic profile because of its ability to destroy fat, which is then eliminated from the body.

What is Submental Fullness?

In order to understand why Kybella™ is so effective in the treatment of the double chin, it is helpful to know why submental fat or fat under the chin forms in the body. Many residents of Phoenix develop submental fullness as a result of the aging process. This submental fullness often becomes more prominent the older they become.

Most Phoenix residents develop a double chin due to weight gain or obesity. The more fat tissues that form within your body, the greater the odds that you will develop submental fullness or a double chin.

Factors such as genetics and facial bone structure can also play a role in the development of a double chin. Unfortunately, this means that regardless of how carefully you watch your diet or adhere religiously to a strict skin care routine, you may still develop a double chin due to your particular genetic makeup.

Submental Fullness is a Common Problem

Dr. Leverett realizes that you may be suffering from feelings of embarrassment and diminished self-esteem due to your double chin. You can rest assured, however, that a double chin is a very common cosmetic concern. A recent report from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery suggested that more than 60 percent of Americans are concerned about the appearance of submental fullness.

Common Kybella™ Treatment Questions

Would I make a good candidate for treatment with Kybella™

Kybella™ is being increasingly recommended by doctors to Phoenix residents for the elimination of a double chin. It is also helpful for those who have lost a significant amount of weight, yet still suffer from a double chin.

Since Kybella™ treatment does not involve surgery, it may be a good choice for you if you are seeking a minimally-invasive treatment for your double chin that requires little to no downtime.

Has Kybella™ been tested for safety and effectiveness?

Yes. Kybella™ has undergone rigorous testing in 20 clinical trials to examine the effects of the treatment with this injectable serum. These studies have tracked the results of over 1,600 patients who used Kybella™ to safely and effectively treat their double chin.

How is Kybella™ administered?

Dr. Leverett has found that Kybella™ treatment normally takes about 15 to 20 minutes. The treatment does not take long because all that is required is the injection of the serum into fatty layers under your skin. The body does the rest of the work by safely absorbing and eliminating the fat destroyed by this process.

Dr. Leverett can customize your individual treatment to conform to your treatment goals or to fit into your busy schedule.

How many Kybella™ treatments will be required?

Dr. Leverett has found that the typical patient requires between two to four treatments before they notice a significant improvement in their chin profile. Some patients with stubborn fat deposits may need up to six treatments with Kybella™ before they notice results.

Injections are given at least one month apart.

Does Kybella™ treatment involve downtime?

Since Kybella™ treatment does not involve surgery, you can expect little downtime between your treatments. Many patients find that they are able to resume their normal activities immediately following their Kybella™ treatment.

High Patient Satisfaction Rates

The percentage of patients who were satisfied with enhanced facial contours and chin due to Kybella™ treatment is very high at 79 percent.

Patients who were satisfied with their Kybella™ treatments found that it boosted their self-esteem and mood.

Kybella™ Safety Information

Dr. Leverett needs you to fully disclose your medical history prior to your Kybella™ treatment. This is important because your treatment may need to be modified if you have had previous cosmetic surgery on your face or chin.

You should also inform Dr. Leverett prior to your Kybella™ treatment if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have problems with swallowing.

You should not be treated with Kybella™ if you currently have an infection under your chin. Kybella™ is also not recommended for the elimination of fat in other body regions besides the chin area.

How Much Does Kybella™ Treatment Cost?

The cost of Kybella™ varies depending on the extent of treatment required. Insurance companies do not cover Kybella™ treatments as they are considered cosmetic. To help make Kybella™ treatments more affordable to his patients, Dr. Leverett offers financing through CareCredit® and Prosper Healthcare Lending. Our office also accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, cash and cashier’s checks.

If you live in Phoenix, Ahwatukee, Chandler, Gilbert and the surrounding communities of Arizona, and would like to eliminate your double chin without surgery, contact Body By Leverett today.