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My Phoenix CoolSculpting® Story: Kerri Metcalf, Patient Coordinator at Body By Leverett

CoolSculpting® in Phoenix, AZ“I recently had a CoolSculpting® treatment done to improve my most dreaded area… my double chin.  I have never liked my profile; and who doesn’t want a more defined jawline for selfies? I was excited to learn that CoolSculpting® was a non-surgical option, so I didn’t have to go under anesthesia for liposuction.  I didn’t want to worry about needing to take time off from work for recovery, so CoolSculpting® was my ideal choice!

The treatment was super easy! I got to relax in the “CoolSuite” in an adjustable chair and binge watch my favorite Netflix shows! I had my consultation a few weeks before, so I knew that I was getting treated on both sides of my neck/chin (overlapping in the middle) and I would be doing this two times overall, so I would schedule my second visit for one month after my first treatment. For the treatment itself, I felt suction as the applicator was placed onto my skin, and it went numb after a few minutes of cooling. It was not as cold as I thought it would feel!  I had to keep pretty still during the session, but I had lots of pillows to be propped up on to stay in position and I was comfortable.  Each side was 45 minutes and then I was done!  The massage at the end was my least favorite part of the treatment, but I was definitely willing to trade that for my double chin!

The first few days after the treatment I had some minor swelling (though people only noticed once I pointed it out) and my skin felt slightly numb when brushing my fingers against it, but it went back to normal about a week later.  I feel like I can see a difference already, but I’m excited for my second session to really amplify the results! 

Verdict: I highly recommend CoolSculpting® as a way to treat stubborn areas of fat without surgery!”

– Kerri Metcalf, Patient Coordinator at Body By Leverett


About CoolSculpting® in Phoenix, AZ

CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment at Body by Leverett. The method uses innovative freezing technology to freeze and kill fat cells, shedding them from your body. The procedure requires no needles or incisions and is completely painless. CoolSculpting® is effective for treatment of the chin, arms, abdomen, bra area, thighs and love handles. To learn more and determine if CoolSculpting® is right for you, contact our team today.