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Three Hidden Benefits of the Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck in Phoenix, AZWe all know the benefits that come along with the tummy tuck. Most patients come in seeking to get rid of their excess sagging skin for a flatter, more toned tummy, which a tummy tuck is a perfect solution for. But, what most people don’t know is that there are four more lesser-known benefits to getting a tummy tuck. Let’s review four more reasons why a tummy tuck may be right for you.

1. Hello, Hernia-Free Life

A hernia is a painful condition that occurs when an organ starts to push through the muscle that’s responsible for keeping it in place. An umbilical hernia, or when the intestine starts to protrude through an opening in the abdominal muscles, causes extreme pain and discomfort in patients. People don’t realize that an umbilical hernia can be evaluated and addressed during a tummy tuck. Many surgeons actually suggest patients with a ventral hernia consider a tummy tuck in addition to a hernia correction surgery. This is because the abdominal muscles are strengthened and tightened during a tummy tuck, reducing the chances or a hernia from appearing again in the future. If you have an umbilical hernia, talk to your general physician and Dr. Leverett about how a tummy tuck can benefit you for years to come.

2. Complete Your Transformation

Often, patients who come in for a tummy tuck do so because they have excess skin left over after going through a pregnancy. Our second-most-common tummy tuck patients come in asking to reduce their overstretched skin caused by an extreme weight loss or bariatric surgery. Not only does a tummy tuck help them complete their weight loss transformation and regain their self-confidence, but a tummy tuck is also actually proven to help bariatric patients keep their weight off. Studies have shown that patients who undergo both a bariatric procedure and a tummy tuck only regain about one pound per year, compared to the average four pounds per year gained by those who undergo bariatric surgery alone.

3. Stand Up Straighter

When carrying extra weight and skin around the midsection, we tend to overcompensate with our posture by swaying slightly backward. This overcompensation, along with our weak abdominal muscles, has the potential to cause an inward curvature in the spine called lordosis. During a tummy tuck, the abdominal muscles are tightened and strengthened, and the extra weight from sagging skin is removed from the midsection, help patients regain proper posture and ward off any spine and back problems in the future.

Does a tummy tuck sounds more and more like the solution you’ve been looking for? Contact us today to set up your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Leverett. Also, feel free to take a look at our tummy tuck before and after photo gallery to get a feel for your potential results when you choose Dr. Leverett.