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Why Do I Have a Saggy Neck?

Neck Lift in Phoenix, AZIt’s no secret that as we begin to age, our skin begins to age as well. While fine lines and wrinkles around the face are common and easy to treat, sagging skin around the neck can be a little more tricky to handle. Dr. Leverett and his expert team put together a guide for you to learn why your neck skin gets so saggy and the best ways to rejuvenate its appearance for a smooth, more youthful appearance.

What Causes a “Turkey Neck”?

A “turkey neck” or “turkey wattle” is a less flattering name for the sagging or loose, wrinkled skin around the neck that tends to occur as you get older. This common problem is caused by your skin aging and losing its natural elasticity, creating its signature appearance. While there is no way to completely avoid sagging skin around the neck, there are ways that you can treat it.

How Can I Get Rid of my Saggy Neck?

Getting rid of your sagging neck skin or “turkey neck” doesn’t have to be a long and involved process. In addition to the use of medical-grade skincare products to keep your skin as healthy and youthful as possible, we encourage our patients to consider the following treatments to reduce their fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Botox® Injections

Botox® is a popular injectable treatment that is most popularly used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles around the upper third of the face. While typically used to treat frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet, Botox® can also be used to treat the wrinkles around the neck for a refreshed and more youthful appearance. With treatment taking only 30 minutes to complete and no downtime or recovery period required, this injectable treatment is a fan-favorite among our patients.

Neck Lift

When our patients think of fixing the lax skin around their neck, the first thing they typically think of is a neck lift. This surgical cosmetic procedure involves small incisions being made under the chin, through which Dr. Leverett can remove excess fat, tighten loose muscles underneath the skin and remove excess tissue contributing to your unwanted fine lines, wrinkles, and banding. This procedure, although performed under anesthesia, is generally minimally invasive that requires minimal downtime and produces long-term results that last years.

If you’re interested in learning more about your treatment options for unwanted loose neck skin, we encourage you to contact us and schedule your private consultation with Dr. Leverett today. In light of recent events, we are also happy to offer patients a virtual consultation with our expert staff. These flexible consultations allow you to get all of your questions answered in the comfort and safety of your very own home.